Thats why you need to be careful and cautious about it!

Men are three times more likely to take their own lives than women. Male suicides are more commonly linked to a range of distressing life events such as relationship separation (28.3%); financial problems (17%); relationship conflict (15.7%); bereavement (12.3%); recent or pending unemployment (10.5%); familial conflict (9.5%) and pending legal matters (9.0%).
Men are more than twice as likely as women to have experienced substance use disorders (7.0% compared with 3.3%)
Men are more likely to experience mental disorders in all three categories (e.g. anxiety, depression and alcohol abuse) than women (0.8% compared with 0.6%)
Boys (age 4-17) are more likely than girls to have experienced mental disorders in the past 12 months according to the Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. The gap is larger for children age 4-11 (16.5% of boys and 10.6% of girls) than for children age 12-17 (15.9% of boys and 12.8% of girls).
Men have less depression and anxiety but more drink and drug disorders
Mental health issues have a greater impact on men's physical health overall.
Dads experience postnatal depression too. Around one in 10 new dads get postnatal depression. Unlike new mums, dads don’t benefit from universal screening. When in comes to the mental health of parents, we don’t provide the same level of proactive care to dads, as we do mums.
Men get eating disorders too and this is a useful reminder that we need to look beyond gender stereotypes when talking about men's and women's mental health.