Fullerton Health has come up with an exclusive Healthcare Screening dedicated to Men for this Movember Awareness month!
Contact our concierge for booking.

Executive Health Screening by Fullerton Health for MEN
$700 Including GST for WELLNEX MEMBER ONLY (U.P. $950)
Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Tonometry (Eye Pressure)
Spirometry (Lungs)
Extensive Blood and Urine Investigations:

Choice of 2 of the following tests
Stress ECG (Treadmill)
Ultrasound Abdomen
Ultrasound Kidney, Ureters & Bladder
Ultrasound Thyroid
Ultrasound Prostate
Physical Examination by Doctor & Clinical Measurements
Examination of Heart, Lungs and Abdomen
Neurological and Musculoskeletal Examination
Height and Weight Measurements
Body Mass Index (BMI) & Body Fat Analysis
Visual Acuity and Colour Blindness Tests
Blood Pressure Reading
Medical Report and Medical Review (Only 1 medical review is included in the package. Consultation charges apply for further reviews. Health screening reports will be sent via email (soft copy) only. Hard copy reports are chargeable, please enquire at the clinic.